Aase Lodge #33
Founded: February 22, 1987, Lafayette, CA
Meeting Details
When: First Saturday of month at 9:30 am (Lodge does not meet in July & August)
Where: Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 1035 Carol Lane, Lafayette, CA
Contact Us: Click on this link to contact us. Be sure to list our lodge if you want more information from us! Please allow seven days for a return message. Tusen Takk!

Aase Lodge loves to celebrate "Syttende Mai" in style!
Lodge Highlights
Aase lodge attracts Scandinavians from the San Francisco East Bay and Central Valley. Many members are natives of Scandinavia and they love sharing their Nordic heritage. The Aase Lodge is active in San Francisco's annual Norway Days (first weekend in May)– always demonstrating Norwegian food techniques as well as being represented on the Norway Day Board. The lodge raises money for the Grand Lodge Scholarship Fund and for Shepard's Gate in Livermore (a shelter for battered women and children).

Aase Lodge Banner With Lodge President

Showing Off Bunads!

Margaret and Hazel have a blast at Norway Days
in San Francisco demonstrating their Norwegian
culinary skills
We invite you to join us for our Scandinavian programs such as:
- Educational field trips
- Cultural events & celebrations
- Crafts such as making Nisse out of wool and felt
- Edvard Grieg, Hardanger Fiddle and other musical programs
- Food demonstrations & workshops
- Cultural presentations and videos on art, contemporary life, sports, folklore, history, genealogy, and more!
Lodge's Name
The lodge was named for a very famous Viking woman. Queen Aase (also spelled Åse) came to Norway from the royal Yngling family of Sweden (her father was King Harald Granraude of Agder). Aase's son, Halfdan the Black, founded the Norwegian Royal dynasty, and later her great-grandson, King Harald Fairhair, unified Norway. Queen Aase is believed to have been buried in her ship, which was later discovered during an archeological dig near the Oslo fjord.